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Group coaching brings together a group of individuals who are working towards their own goals and share an interest, challenge or are in similar stages of their lives. The group coach creates a safe and brave environment in which all group members can evolve, helps them define individual objectives, harnesses collective wisdom and guides the process with the ultimate goal of having each participant reach their identified growth objectives. The coach also encourages peer coaching to allow members to get curious with each other and develop their coaching skills.

What are the benefits of group coaching?

We learn best when we can share ideas, insights and experiences with other people who are facing similar challenges.

Through the support of others and the coach, we increase our confidence and take consistent action towards our goals.

We experience a safe environment and learn the skills required to build one for those we lead.

We develop coaching skills, not by learning about it, but by practicing as participants.

We are inspired by others to be brave and curious.

It provides the opportunity to network and build new connections.

It is more cost effective compared to 1-on-1 coaching.

New Programs Starts...

Next group coaching program, Intentional Leader starts,

October 7, 2024.
Business meeting
Who is this group coaching program for?
If you are a new manager, supervisor or team leader currently employed in a public sector organization and you have been in a formal leadership role for less than 3 years, I am thrilled to be your partner and welcome you to join the program.

This group coaching experience elevates your self-leadership, creates clarity and increases your confidence.

We all lead ourselves, but now you have a formal leadership role and lead others. As a new manager, you are faced with an increased workload, managing often conflicting priorities, navigating difficult conversations and meeting the organization’s strategic goals. You doubt yourself and sometimes struggle making decisions. You question your confidence and feel that there is no one you can share this with. You want to support your team and lead with compassion, yet you sometimes lack the energy to do so.

Often people are promoted to management positions because of technical competence and initiative. The skills that made you successful as an individual contributor are not the same that will make you successful as a people leader.

It all starts with your self-image. It is time for you to get clear on what that is.
By the end of this program you will:

Fully embrace your role and confidently take the space to lead yourself and others.

Become more effective in navigating conflict and difficult conversations.

Elevate your confidence, understand how your self-image impacts your results and learn how to take consistent aligned action.

Make decisions faster, easier and feel more at peace as a result of it.

Become aware of how your patterns of thinking and behaviour influence what you do so that you can choose actions that are intentional instead of automatic.

Develop relational intelligence by building a culture of trust around you through the renewed energy and clarity you bring.

Be intentional in how you invest your time and learn how to manage energy to reach your goals.

Increase communication effectiveness to achieve organizational priorities.

At Work
I came to Simona Dinu feeling completely lost at the end of a period of significant investment in my professional career. I wasn't sure what direction to take next and was considering a significant move. Simona was compassionate and thoughtful. She not only helped me gain clarity on my strengths and values, but also helped me develop my own roadmap to help me focus on the things that are most important to me both in my professional and personal life.

What truly impressed me was Simona's focus on tangible actions. We didn't just talk in circles – we created a concrete plan with specific steps I could take to work more strategically. Thanks to Simona's guidance, I feel more confident and empowered. I'm no longer lost – I'm strategic, motivated, and excited about what the future holds.
Caitlin Rochon, Manager of Corporate Initiatives,
Regional Municipality of Durham
What’s included:

Over the course of 2.5 months we will connect and grow together. The program will include only 8 individuals to make it a transformative and personalized experience for all.

8 one hour long virtual group coaching calls scheduled on Mondays at 12 PM ET. Live participation in the sessions is crucial for your learning.

A growth toolkit to support you developing a growth mindset. You will get access to supplementary video content created by me to enhance your learning and growth, targeting specific topics that will be covered during the coaching calls. Additional resources such as worksheets, articles and practices for embodied leadership will also be provided.

Bonus: If you sign up by September 23, you will receive a FREE 1-on-1 coaching session.


$375 (no tax)

How to sign up:

Apply to be considered for this program. Applications open on September 4th. Click below to apply to join the program.

After your application has been reviewed, you will receive a link to book a strategy call with me to ensure that the group being formed is a good fit to help you achieve your identified goals.

During the first session, participants will define the learning objectives of the group coaching program and what success looks like for them at the end. This is not a ready made experience, we co-create it.

Simona, executive business coach
The structured neuro-transformational information provided by Simona during the group sessions was even more helpful than I expected, in understanding my actions and reactions and solidifying my brand.
Intentional Results participant
I find that Simona's approach and character encouraged me to explore my emotional intelligence in a safe and respectful environment. I appreciated that the discussion was allowed to flow at my pace, but Simona did challenge me beyond my comfort zone, which I appreciated.
The workshop was a success for me and I would highly recommend it for others.
David Unrau, Chief Administrator Officer at the City of Pembroke
I genuinely enjoyed all the group sessions topics. Each topic I could easily relate to my life and learn from. This group provided me with an opportunity to grow, be vulnerable and be open to conversations that I otherwise wouldn’t have had. It was wonderful to be part of this community and learn from each other.
Intentional Results participant

All services I offer in my role at Connect to Grow are separate from my role at Hamilton Public Library and at Mohawk College and in accordance with the ICF Code of Ethics  I will not engage in a relationship where there is a conflict of interest.

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