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Coaching is a partnership between the client and the coach with the goal of inspiring the client to maximize their personal and professional potential.​ As an Associate Certified Coach (ACC), I abide by the International Coaching Federation Code of Ethics. Visit the ICF page to learn more about coaching.


Coaching assumes the client has all the knowledge, skills, abilities and resources to make things happen.

Coaching is about long-term excellence. It leaves the client equipped with the tools to deal with situations that arise after the coaching relationship has ended.


Coaching builds clarity, capacity and effectiveness.

Simona, executive business coach
Coaching is for you if:

You feel stuck. You are unsure of what’s next for you.

You’ve tried to break bad habits or build new ones, but have been unsuccessful.

You are in transition or are thinking about an upcoming transition.

You are on the edge or already experiencing burnout.


Coaching takes time.  Much learning and growth happens between the coaching sessions.  As such, a commitment of at least 6 sessions spread over approximately 3 months is most beneficial for those starting on this journey.


Six 1 hour sessions for $650 (no tax)


A narrative 360° feedback is an interview-based multi-rater feedback. Unlike the 360° survey feedback, the narrative model allows the interviewer to ask deeper questions about insights and feelings and probe as needed so that the information is richer. This ultimately leads to a more holistic report focused on themes outlining development opportunities.

writing in note book
What’s included:

Exploratory 1 hour meeting to determine scope of work

Review of any existing documentation

30 minutes interviews with feedback providers

Report outlining themes and identifying 1 to 3 development opportunities

Six 1 hour 1-on-1 coaching sessions or a group coaching program to facilitate the leader’s development in the identified areas.


Dependent upon the scope of work (number of leaders and feedback providers).


I periodically deliver workshops and webinars on a specific topic or for a specific audience.  Contact me to discuss how I can add value to your organization.

Feedback from previously held events
I think that the training was very comprehensive, interesting, and informative describing the how and why people make decisions.
Attendee of the Intentional Decisions: The How and Why of Decision Making presented in collaboration with the Ontario Library Service on November 9, 2023
I learned from her studies on neuroplasticity of the brain and how to be more intentional.
Attendee of the Intentional Decisions: The How and Why of Decision Making presented in collaboration with the Ontario Library Service on November 9, 2023
I enjoyed your presentation very much, was very clear and clean, easy to understand and organized. There are lots of follow up items for me. I appreciate the tools very much as well as the links you provided that would help me in my journey to reach my goals.
Monica Midoschi, Senior Financial Analyst. Strategic Planning for You delivered on November 20, 2023
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All services I offer in my role at Connect to Grow are separate from my role at Hamilton Public Library and at Mohawk College and in accordance with the ICF Code of Ethics  I will not engage in a relationship where there is a conflict of interest.

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